Hubert C. “Hugh” Edfors died on 11 April 2024 in his home in Naperville, IL. He was a Chicago Section IEEE Senior Member, and Life Member.
In the 1980’s he taught the Certified Reliability Engineer Review Course at the Chicago ASQ Training Institute, and MIL-217 prediction seminars on Saturday morning for the Chicago Section of the IEEE Reliability Society.
For the Reliability Chapter, he served various roles of Chairman, Program Chair, Treasurer and Secretary through the years 1986 – 1996. He was the Program Chairman for the successful “1985 Computerized Reliability Predictions” seminar held in Elk Grove Village, IL.
In 1987 Hugh organized, chaired and participated in Session 8 on “Reliability Basics for High Technology Equipment and Systems”, a group of six presentations, at the Midcon/87 Conference in Chicago, IL.
Hugh founded his own consulting firm, Rel-Tek Engineering Associates. Hugh remained active in IEEE, participating in the Fox Valley Sub Section of the Chicago Section.
This links to a public obituary for Hugh.